Emergency Alert System


Services Products Customers System

This document describes the functional description of the Emergency Alert Security System and lists system components.

Functional Description

The alert system is comprised of a control box, station, and an IOS application.

The function of the system is to override normal audio program and play an emergency audio alarm signal through all speakers at a given facility when it is activated. The emergency audio alarm signal is a combination of an acoustic siren and an announcement recorded by the user who activates the system from one of the stations located around the facility. Key parameters, such as how long the siren plays, how long the person is given to record the announcement, or the length of time before the system is automatically deactivated are controlled through the android application.

The system can be activated by pushing the panic button at any station or through the android application. Once activated, a siren will play through all speakers for four seconds. After this, the user will speak into the microphone at any of the stations and this announcement will be played live through all speakers. The microphone and panic button will be in an enclosed box mounted on the wall with a breakable glass door. Once they have finished speaking the announcement, the audio alarm signal has been created. This audio alarm signal switches between the siren and the announcement. This will be played through all speakers until the system is deactivated. Once the system is activated, there are two methods of deactivation. The system will be deactivated automatically if the audio has played for more than the programmed interval length of time set through the app. The system can also be deactivated manually by an authorized user through the system app. While the system is activated, a red LED will be lit at all stations and the control box. This LED will turn off once the system is deactivated.

There are three system components:

Control Box Station Box Manager’s App

All three components are needed for the system to function. The station box and control box are hardware devices obtained from Omnitech Solutions in Sunnyvale, CA. The next pages of this document provide an overview of the system components.

System Components

Each station has a panic button to activate the alarm, LED to indicate activation, and a microphone to record the announcement. These stations communicate directly to the control box which is connected to different speaker groups around the facility. The IOS application communicates with the control box through the internet as well.

Manager’s App


Password Protected Activate System Deactivate System Adjust System Settings and Parameters Monitor System View Security Camera Live Feed

App Screens:

Alert Station


  • Indoor and outdoor mounting

  • Highly Visible Panic Button

  • Microphone to make announcement

  • Video Camera in view of station

  • Bright lights to indicate status of system

  • Back-up power available

  • Allows any individual to activate system

Process to Activate System from Alert Station:

Break Glass Enclosure Hold down panic button until red light turns on at each station (approximately 2 seconds) Pick up the Microphone. Siren will play immediately for four seconds after system is activated. After the siren stops, the user may make the announcement, which will be played live at all speakers and is then looped with the siren Proceed to safe location

Light Indication:


The white light on the box indicates power. If this light is on, the system is powered. If this light is off, the system is not powered.

System State

The red light on the box indicates the state of the system. If the light is on, the system is activated. If the light is off, the system is not activated and is idle.

Control Box

Overrides normal audio with siren and announcement Supports up to 100 Alert Stations Supports 8 output speaker groups Supports 8 audio input lines Back-up power available in case of power outage Closed System – Removing possibility of hacking and tampering


System is hardwired from the control unit to the alert stations in a star topology

Control Box is connected to existing public address speakers in existing speaker groups and to the new speakers installed with the EAS to cover all areas of a building or multi-building campus

Network Connections:

2 public Ethernet connections 1 private local connection 1 RCA connection

EAS demo video: